14 September 2015 to 17 September 2015
Loughborough, UK
FEMS Member Society event

The 9th International Charles Parsons Turbine and Generator Conference Organised by IOM Communications on behalf of the High Temperature Materials Committee and Surface Engineering Division of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining Charles Parsons' concepts and designs have been instrumental in developing turbo-machinery for the mass generation of electricity and propulsion. His legacy has been honoured through the series of Parsons conferences focused on the developments in materials for steam and gas turbines, and this series is set to continue in September 2015. The 2015 conference will focus on the challenge of increased flexibility in thermal power plant, and industrial and aero gas turbines and generators, whilst maintaining high efficiency. Energy markets around the world are changing as a result of increased generation from renewable sources and increased regulation to enable renewable technologies to become competitive. This change will require thermal power plant to respond in different ways in different markets, with a continued drive for increased efficiency, but also a drive for increased flexibility, which may be in the form of alternative fuels, or in the number of cycles and speed of response. With respect to gas turbines for marine or aerospace propulsion, which have always had more aggressive thermal cycles, there is a continuous drive to increase efficiency and cut emissions to promote sustainable travel. Significant effort is therefore being made to understand how materials will respond to new combinations of stress and environment for existing technology and for new designs with unconventional aggressive environments from alternative combustion systems and fuels. Steam and gas turbines will be required to generate power for many years to come, but with improved design, operation and maintenance the environmental impact can be minimised


IOM3 - Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining

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