News of the FEMS Symposium at TMS Phoenix


A very successful Keynote Symposium: Energy and Transportation from a European Materials Perspective was held on the 14th March at the TMS 2018 Annual Meeting (TMS2018) & Exhibition in Phoenix, Arizona, March 11–15

On Wednesday, nine invited speakers explored the topic of energy and transportation from a European materials perspective during a special, one-day keynote symposium organized by the Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS). Pictured, main photo, from left to right, Brett Suddell FEMS Immediate Past President; Donato Firrao, DISAT, Politecnico di Torino, Italy and FEMS Past President; David Worsley, Swansea University, United Kingdom; Timothy Warner, Constellium C-TEC, Grenoble, France; Pedro Dolabella Portella, BAM Berlin and FEMS Past President; David H. DeYoung, 2017 TMS President; Winfried Keiper, Bosch Corporate Research, Germany; David Jarvis, HIPtec, Norway; Marc Fry, Granta Design, United Kingdom.

TMS news webpage

For more information about the speakers and their lectures go to the events page