Prof Sten Johansson
Department of Management and Engineering,
Division of engineering materials,
Linköping University; Sweden
Sten Johansson received a Master degree in Mechanical Engineering at Linköping university and subsequently a PhD in Engineering materials in the early eighties. He has since then been employed at the department of mechanical engineering first as a Senior lecturer 1984 and since 1995 as a professor of Engineering materials. He has been active in materials research and teaching materials courses at all levels. He has also been a director of studies at the department of Management and Engineering for 12 years. He has acted as a group leader for the Light alloys group working with high strength aircraft materials, microstructure, fatigue and corrosion fatigue. He spent a year at Cambridge University as a by-fellow of Churchill College working with research in the Fatigue and Fracture Group at the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy. Since 2014 he is President of the Materials Society of Materials Technology, SFMT.
He has since 2003 been Professor of Engineering materials and head of the Division of Engineering materials and since 2015 Senior Professor at the division. The division has been very active in undergraduate teaching of material courses at all levels as well as graduate teaching and examination. Research areas has been fatigue, properties and microstructure of high strength aluminium alloys and during the last 15 years moving towards microstructure and fatigue properties including TMF of high temperature austenitic alloys including super-alloys and TBC-coatings. The group has been extremely active in joint research together with industry including companies like SIEMENS Industrial Turbomachinery, GKN (previous Volvo Aero), SAAB aerospace, SCANIA, VOLVO and many other companies. Sten Johansson is a board member of UTMIS a national society for fatigue with more. He is a co-author of more than 160 scientific journal and conference papers.