12th European Electric Steelmaking Conference

The key aim of this 12th European Electric Steelmaking Conference is to provide a forum at which steelmakers, product specialists, and all other parts of the steel sector supply chain (including the academic community and research and technology organisations) can come together to share information and exchange knowledge on current and future developments across the broad spectrum of electric arc furnace steelmaking and its associated technologies.
EEC 2021 will be delivered as a blended event. IOM3 hopes to welcome several delegates to Sheffield, UK, but understands that some may face travel restrictions, so will provide a fully interactive, virtual conference experience, with emphasis on delivering exceptional engagement, networking and knowledge exchange between our on-site and remote participants.
This is a conference organised by the Steel Industry, for the Steel Industry.
The conference is a must for senior managers, plant operators and graduates involved in the production of steel by the Electric Arc Furnace and all those associated with the steel sector i.e. academics, researchers, steel users and suppliers of raw materials and equipment.
FEMS members can get an exclusive discount rate. Login to gain access.
Early bird registration closes on 15 August.
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