2021 FEMS Master Thesis Award final

Join us to celebrate the FEMS Master Thesis Award final taking place on Tuesday 13 July at 10:00 CET.
The FEMS Masters Thesis award is intended to recognize the best Masters Thesis on Materials Science and Engineering, presented in any Academic Institution from the country of any FEMS member Society. The FEMS National Societies may nominate one candidate per year. To be eligible the Masters Thesis should have been obtained up to a maximum of two academic years before the FEMS final takes place.
This year's finalists are as follows:
Austin Hubley (SF2M)
Shape-shifting nanosheets: 2-dimensional Chiral perovskites
Diogo Lopes (SPM)
Design of multifunctional titania-based photocatalysts by controlled redox reactions
Eirini Gkolfi (HSSTCM)
Atomistic simulation study of star-shaped polystyrene melts
Maria Dimitra Chiotelli (HMS)
Experimental investigation of the biomechanical behaviour of the most widespread patellar fixation techniques in medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction
Xabier Garcia (SOCIEMAT)
1D and 3D nanomaterial fabrication and surface modification for developing piezoelectric and triboelectric nanogenerators
To register, please sign up at: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMld-yqrD8tHdYfDVKYNk6JQygrwWsT5y7N
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