6th International Creep & Fracture Conference

The overall aim is to disseminate knowledge and identify future work items requiring attention from the high temperature research, design and standardisation communities.
The ECCC2023 organising committee, together with its partner and sponsor IOM3, wish to stimulate the discussion on new work being undertaken by PhD students on the subject of creep / creep-fatigue/ life-assessment. We have announced a reduced rate registration category for PhD and MSc students (£100+VAT) wishing to discuss and publish their work (eg. in the Conference proceedings). Depending on the number of abstracts received, there may be a separate session organised, or a reported poster session.
Do you fall into this category, or know someone who does? Take this opportunity to make an impact in your chosen field, and to meet others working on your topic!
FEMS members - log in to view discount codes for FEMS events