7th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure (ICEAF VII)

CEAF VII continues the successful ICEAF series of conferences. The aim of the conference is to provide a forum to present interdisciplinary work dedicated to design against engineering failure, concepts and technologies to prevent of failure as well as approaches, technologies and tools for failure analysis.
The ICEAF VII Conference is co-chaired by Professor Spiros Pantelakis, (Professor Emeritus, University of Patras, Laboratory of Technology and Strength of Materials) and Professor Michael Vormwald (Materials Mechanics Group, Technical University of Darmstadt). The scientific responsibility of the ICEAF VII Conference belongs to the Laboratory of Technology & Strength of Materials (LTSM), University of Patras and the Materials Mechanics Group, Technical University of Darmstadt.
More information about this event will be avaliable on the website in due course.
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