Computational Materials Science Online Workshop

19 December 2020 to 20 December 2020

The two-day online training workshop is dedicated to most recent advances in the theory and simualtion of materials.

The speakers are well-known experts in their fields. The workshop is aimed to young researchers in theoretical an computational Materials Science, including senior undergraduate students, graduate students, PhD candidates, postdocs and early-career investigators. The event is co-organised by the Department of Materials Science and Technology, University of Crete and the Hellenic Society for the Science and Technology of Condensed Matter.

HSSTCM is a Greek non-profit scientific society founded in 1981 which is member of FEMS. The objectives of HSSTCM are to promote the exchange of new developments and achievements in the field of Condensed Matter and Materials Science and to support their applications.


To attend the workshop, please send email with your name and affiliation by 11 December 2020 to

More information can be found in the document below.

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