ECASIA 2019 - 18th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis
The 18th ECASIA will be held from 15th to 20th September 2019 in Dresden, Germany - also called the “Florence of the North”.
The ECASIA’19 conference will be organized in Dresden initiated by the Institute of Solid State and Materials Research (IFW Dresden) in cooperation with the Technical University Dresden (TUD) and other academic and industrial partners of the region. We hope to continue the conference series in the “spirit of ECASIA” to bring together scientists from universities, industry and instrument suppliers, to bridge the gap between fundamental and applied research in surface science and to follow new trends in instrumentation.
Dresden is an ideal place for such a meeting, because there are a large number of scientific institutes and high-tech companies using thin film or surface modification technologies. Excellent academic educational institutions, leaded by the TU Dresden, making it to a really academic center. Furthermore, there are a lot of historical, architectural and cultural highlights within the city and its immediate surrounding.
We are looking forward to welcome you here in warm and friendly atmosphere. Please, save the date already now!
In the name of the local organizing committee
Dr. Steffen Oswald
Chairman of ECASIA'19
IFW Dresden

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