FEMS EUROMAT is the premier international congress in the field of materials science and technology in Europe. This conference will continue a successful series of material science conferences.
The main objective is to foster knowledge transfer and exchange of experiences amongst delegates with academic and industrial backgrounds and for the first time since 2019, FEMS EUROMAT 2023 will return as an in-person event in Frankfurt, Germany.
A. Functional Materials
B. Structural Materials
C. Processing
D. Characterisation & Modelling
E. Energy
F. Materials for Healthcare
G. Education, Strategy & Technology Transfer
H. Materials for Circularity & Sustainability
Submit your abstract by 31 January 2023
You also can publish your research in our exciting, new open-access journal, the European Journal of Materials (EJM). The Editor-in-Chief, Professor Nikolaos Michailidis, welcomes and encourages all quality submissions as we work towards making the European Journal of Materials one of the best amongst the materials science and technology research community. EUROMAT attendees will also be provided with a 10% APC discount waiver.
*FEMS Member Society members may register at a discounted rate by submitting proof of membership (discount applied at checkout)

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