Material Science and Engineering Congress - MSE 2020

The MSE topics are structured into different symposia and offer a versatile an excellent opportunity to show and discuss your research. Especially young scientists are welcome to actively contribute to the congress by submitting an abstract for an oral or poster presentation.
- B: Biomaterials
- C: Characterization
- F: Functional Materials, Surfaces and Devices
- M: Modelling and Simulation
- P: Processing and Synthesis
- S: Structural Materials
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is February 28th, 2020. Abstracts can be submitted through the congress website: Please read our guidelines and watch our video turorial on "How to submit an abstract".
Hosted by the German Materials Society (DGM) in Darmstadt, Germany, the MSE has become the central platform for materials science and engineering experts to present their research to a large international community and to network across borders. The DGM is the largest technical-scientific society for Materials Science and Engineering in Europe. For 100 years it has combined the expertise of the specialist fields of science and the industry: representing the interests of its members from science and the industry - and as guarantor for the systematic development of the fields of materials science and materials engineering.

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