Meeting Materials 2019

The Materials Innovation Institute M2i annual event ‘Meeting Materials’ will be held at Tuesday 10 December. This year Bond van Materialenkennis is again one of the partners. This invigorating event about innovations in materials is expecting to host over 300 participants; from representatives from SME’s to renowned industrial manufacturing companies, and from international universities to novel research institutes. The admission is free.
This year the event will take place at Tuesday the 10th of December 2019 at the NH Conference Centre De Leeuwenhorst in Noordwijkerhout (NL). Every year there are around 20 spots available in the elevator pitch session. They take place between 10.30-11.00am. The pitch lasts max. 90 seconds and must be related to Materials Science. You can use Powerpoint presentation of a maximum of 3 slides. The goal is to generate attention for your product, service or other topic so that the audience (last year 300+ visitors) can visit you in the central hall where you will be assigned a booth in the market area. There are no costs involved. Please contact for more details on pitching and/or a free of charge market fair booth.
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