Rare Earth Technical Summit
REEs are essential for the continued growth of high-tech industries (including electric vehicles, wind turbines, batteries and unmanned aerial vehicles). As such, a sustained supply of REEs is critical for the economic and national security of the United States and its allies.
The summit will provide recommendations regarding technologies for recovery, recycling and reuse of REEs and illuminate the environmental and economic aspects. Recommended technology strategies and public policies for reducing supply chain risks will be identified as potential swim lanes for future REE roadmaps.
Agenda8:00-8:30 Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:30-8:40 Welcome Remarks
8:40-8:55 REE Supply Chair: Orienting the Discussion
8:55-9:29 Keynote: Army Research Laboratory (ARL)
9:20-10:20 Panel: Public policies for REEs
- Commercial Policy: Land access, tax and environmental
- Trade policies: Imports/exports
- Technology policies: R&D, PPP and Innovation incentivization
- Environmental policies: Extraction permitting
- Defense Production Act Implications
10:20-10:50 BREAK
10:50-11:15 Keynote: Upstream Industry Perspectives
11:15-11:40 Perspectives from a Magnet Fabricator/Distributor
11:40-11:55 Texas A&M Materials Research Capabilitites & Academic Initiatives
11:55-13:15 LUNCH
13:15-14:15 Panel: Recovery, Recycling & Reuse of REEs
- Seperations and recovery
- Environmental conccerns
- Alternate technologies
14:14-15:15 Panel: Role of REEs in Advancing High-tech Industries for Defense & Energy Sectors
15:15-15:45 BREAK
15:45-16:45 Panel: Education & Workforce Development
- Critical skills (e.g. mining engineers
- Program deficiencies
- Leveraging existing initiatives
16:45-17:00 Concluding remarks
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