Research in Materials Webinar Series: Sustainable thin film and nanostructured oxides for flexible and autonomous electronics

The Portuguese Society of Materials has the privilege of announcing the organization of a cycle of online conferences on "Research in Materials within the scope of ERC grants" which brings together a group of Portuguese researchers who obtained funding approved by the European Research Council - ERC whose topic relates to the area of materials.
SPM thus intends to make known the activities and results obtained in the scope of these grants and to promote the discussion among the participants about their impact and potential applications.
The conferences will run for one year and will take place on the last Wednesday of each month (except in July 2021 when it will be the penultimate) by 5 pm (GMT) with an approximate duration of 60 minutes.
Participation in the conferences will be free, however, requiring prior registration.
The next webinar on 24 November will be focused on 'Sustainable thin film and nanostructured oxides for flexible and autonomous electronics,' given by Professor Pedro Barquinha.
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