XVIIIth International Conference on Electron Microscopy (EM2024)

The conference will bring together researchers from different fields of science and engineering including materials science, chemistry, physics, life science (biology and medicine), whose focal point is on application of electron microscopy to study of materials and materials related properties. The broad spectrum of topics comprises analytical electron microscopy, imaging in SEM/STEM, crystallography and HRTEM techniques, 3D imaging, in-situ electron microscopy, cryomicroscopy, as well as applications of electron microscopy to study materials spanning from traditional engineering materials to highly advanced functional materials, nanomaterials and biological materials.
The 18th edition is a platform for exchanging methodological and application experiences for specialists in electron microscopy, crystallography, materials science, solid-state chemistry, physics, medicine, and biology, enabling them to become acquainted with new methods and techniques. The main aim is to review the latest achievements in microscopy across various disciplines.
The conference will be accompanied by a specialized research instrumentation and services exhibition.
Topics: Sample Preparation Techniques | Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) | Advances in SEM and FIB | Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) | HREM and Novel Techniques | In Situ Microscopy | Electron Diffraction and Crystallography | Electron Backscattering Diffraction | Microscopy for Biology and Medicine | Young Session | Other.
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