YUCOMAT 2018 - 20th Annual Conference

3 September 2018 to 7 September 2018
Herceg Novi, Montenegro
FEMS Member Society recommended event

Hunguest Hotel Sun Resort Herceg Novi

Online registration and abstract submission: http://www.mrs-serbia.org.rs/index.php/registration



The conference will feature 5 symposia, which will comprise invited plenary lectures (30 min) by the leaders in the field, oral (15 min) and poster presentations.

SYMPOSIUM A - Advanced Methods in Synthesis and Processing of Materials

SYMPOSIUM B - Advanced Materials for High-Technology Application

SYMPOSIUM C - Nanostructured Materials

SYMPOSIUM D - Eco-Materials and Eco-Technologies

SYMPOSIUM E - Biomaterials


Conference awards

The Presidency of the MRS-Serbia, at the proposal of the Awards Committee, will award the authors (preferably young members under 35) of the best oral and poster presentation at the conference, and also the authors of highly rated PhD theses defended between two conferences. Awarded researchers are granted free registration at the next YUCOMAT Conference.


Important dates and deadlines

May 1 – Abstract submission deadline

July 6 - Preliminary Conference Program

July 31 - Late Registration Fee Deadline (required for presentations to be included in the printed Book of Abstracts)

August 5 - Final Conference Program (for the printed Book of Abstracts)

August 24 – Final Poster Abstract Submission Deadline (to be included in the On-site Conference Program, not the printed Book of Abstracts

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