FEMS Communication Award for Excellence in MSE

Nominations are now closed.
For significant work and effective communication skills by a materials scientist or engineer at an early career stage*.

The award is presented to an active materials scientist or engineer, member of a FEMS Member Society at an early career stage* who has distinguished themselves by the significance of their work and ability to communicate on a materials topic.
The award encourages promising materials scientists and engineers to communicate on a materials topic.
Successful nominees should have conducted the majority of their research work in a European-based university, institute or company.


Nominations are accepted from FEMS Member Societies only and must include the following:
- Entry form
- Short video (3 mins max) where the nominee talks about their work and why they should be an effective MSE communicator
- Citation (100 words max)
- Nominee's CV
- Nominee's list of publications (refereed/non-refereed/proceedings)
- Nominee's list of independent citations (if applicable)
- Nominee's list of invited lectures
- Two letters of support (at least one outside the nominee's organisation)

Nominations will be assessed by the FEMS Awards Selection Committee members who will invite the shortlisted nominees to present at the FEMS Junior EUROMAT 2024 conference.


The award is open to FEMS Member Society members only.

Judging Panel

Nominations for the award are shortlisted and judged by the FEMS Awards Selection Committee.


Available on even years only.


Shortlisted nominees will be offered a fee waiver to attend FEMS Junior EUROMAT 2024.
The overall winner will receive a certificate, €1.500,00 cash prize, a fee waiver to attend FEMS EUROMAT 2025 and will be invited to publish an article based on their work in the European Journal of Materials.

*FEMS defines 'early career' as someone who on the year the award is presented is:
- within 10 years since the start of first (self)employment in a materials role (excluding apprenticeships or training schemes)
- within 6 years of completing their PhD in a materials subject.

FEMS Communication Award for Excellence in MSE - Past winners