Asst Prof Anna Zervaki looks back at her term as FEMS President

What would you consider to be the greatest achievement and highlight of your presidency?
The last two years were truly unique for me. My tenure as FEMS President provided me the opportunity to serve the European Materials Societies towards materializing our common vision on shaping a brighter future via advanced materials. Key moments of my chairmanship include FEMS Junior EUROMAT 2022 in Coimbra as well as FEMS EUROMAT 2023 in Frankfurt last September, both excellent events in terms of participation and scientific program. Both Conferences showcased the strength of bonds that have been forged over the years with our Member Societies which are the backbone of FEMS. I would also like to highlight the activities of our Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) which worked towards developing strong ties between FEMS and European industry. Very important and distinguished people from industry were invited in the SAG meetings and exchanged their views with us regarding FEMS future initiatives. The outcome of those meetings will be served as a basis for FEMS forthcoming activities.
Is there anything you would have done differently or wished to focus more on?
There is always space for further actions or slightly different approaches when evaluating expected and actual results of any undertaken activity.
However, the route and effort mater, as renowned Greek poet Constantine Cavafy wrote in his poem, Ithaka
When you set out on the way to Ithaki
wish for a long, eventful journey,
full of adventure, full of understanding.
Of Laistrygonians and Cyclops,
the raging Poseidon, never be afraid.
You’ll never find such things on your way
if all your thoughts remain noble, and if your spirit
and body are touched by worthy emotion.
The Laistrygonians and Cyclops,
the fierce Poseidon, will never be encountered
if they’re not carried in your soul, and if your soul
does not erect them on your path, before you.
Wish for a long, eventful journey…
How to you see the role of FEMS in the next 10 years?
I strongly believe that FEMS will continue to grow and play a major role in networking among European materials societies and especially among the younger generation of materials scientists and engineers.
Do you have any advice for your successor, Prof Aldo Boccaccini?
I’m confident that Aldo will be a very successful FEMS President. He shares our work ethic, has high scientific standards and I really do expect even greater FEMS achievements in the forthcoming period. I will stand always by his side (as my predecessor Prof Eric Le Bourhis had done for me) supporting his initiatives along with our new Vice President Prof Paula Vilarinho.
FEMS President (2022-2023)