
The FEMS Executive Committee held their meeting at Thessaloniki during the congress Read more

FEMS recognises researchers of renown by awarding the European Materials Medal, The Innovation Medal and the Materials Science and Technology Prize (Taylor & Francis award) every two years during the FEMS EUROMAT series of conferences. More information on these awards and past medallists can be consulted here. Below you can see the winners receiving their awards from the FEMS chairperson of the awards committee, Margarethe Hofmann. In addition, in the members' only section, you can down load their full presentations, after you have logged on. Read more

EUROMAT opened Sunday 17th September with a reception and and a wonderful firework display. More than 2200 delegates are expected to attend the conference during this week at beautiful and warm Thessaloniki. Also, check out the great Twitter feed at on this website and the numerous posts on the EUROMAT facebook site  Read more

The EUROMAT 2017 conference is taking place in Thessaloniki Greece, on 17-22 September 2017, co-organised by the Hellenic Metallurgical Society and the Hellenic Society of the Science and Technology of the CondensedMatter. Read more

CRC Press banner

Taylor & Francis newsroom announced 13 September 2017 that it is now affiliated with the Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS).  Read more

Stockholm city view

The EUROMAT 2019 conference will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, on 1-5 September 2019, organised by the The Swedish Society for Materials Technology (SFMT)

Full details about EUROMAT 2019 are available on the Congress website at Read more


Helping to educate the next generation of materials experts, please take part in the ESM survey Read more

FEMS is joining forces with TMS to offer a selection of new symposia at the TMS 2018 Annual Meeting (TMS2018) & Exhibition in Phoenix, Arizona, on March 11–15. Topics will explore science and technologies from the perspective of developments in Europe. Read more

Swedish forum 6 logos

On the FEMS Societies’ day, 18th May 2017,a Swedish Industry Forum, was held in Stockholm, showcasing models for interactions and innovation with academia. Six speakers from Swedish Industry and Academia were invited to give presentations to the FEMS General Assembly and guests on their research and collaboration routes. Read more

Junior EUROMAT contract signed

The date and venue for Junior EUROMAT 2018 has been announced - it will take place in Budapest, Hungary in July 2018.

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