FEMS Elections 2021 - Executive Committee members & Vice-President

Nominations are now invited for the election of Executive Committee members and FEMS Vice-President.
The Executive Committee is the administrative body of FEMS. According to the statutes of FEMS, the Executive Committee is made up of the President, Immediate Past President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Executive Secretary and a minimum of five and maximum of ten members, elected by the General Assembly.
At the end of 2021, Executive Committee members will have completed their term of office and a number of positions will be vacant in 2022. The same year, the new Vice-President will be taking over. We would like to invite Member Societies to nominate one candidate, so please note the following:
- Executive Committee members are expected to have a significant and active involvement in their national society and to actively participate in the administration of FEMS.
- FEMS wishes to develop further links with industry and would appreciate more members with an industrial background.
- Nominees are expected to be actively involved in organising upcoming EUROMAT conferences.
- The FEMS budget does not allow the reimbursement of travel expenses for attending EC meetings. We expect that the costs associated with the participation of the Executive Committee meetings are covered by the employer or the Member Society.
- Voting will be taking place at the General Assembly in June 2021 (date tbc). Nominees will be welcomed to the meeting to present themselves.
To consider your nomination, please send a letter of recommendation and the nominee’s CV describing their professional career and the technical/scientific competence. Nominations could include those Executive Committee members whose term of office finishes at the end of 2021 and are eligible for re-election. Executive Committee members can be re-elected for a maximum of 3 terms, in which case a letter of nomination from the Member Society is required.
All nominations should be sent to secretary@fems.org by 15 May 2021.