FEMS EUROMAT 2023 Plenary Speakers - Dr Constantinos Stoumpos

In the run up to FEMS EUROMAT 2023 meet the distinguished scientista dn researchers who will be delivering plenary lectures.
The Emergence of Halide Perovskites: Past and Future
Dr Constantinos Stoumpos - 2023 FEMS Materials Science & Technology Prize winner
What are you most looking forward to for FEMS EUROMAT 2023
Attending FEMS EUROMAT 2023 will be a great opportunity for me to interact in person with colleagues from different principles of materials science.
How important are conferences of this size in materials science & technology
Conferences that attract researchers from different disciplines are very important in general since it is an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and expose ourselves to new ideas from different research fields. On the other hand, it is also important not to find ourselves in too diverse an environment since there is the “danger” of getting confused by the many different talks on the program. In this sense, the loose theming of the conference to more specialized sessions helps a lot in this direction.
What would you say to those thinking of attending the conference (physically or virtually) in September.
My advice is to attend the conference if the schedule permits! I would also advise to attend physically, since as we move away from the pandemic period it is important to try and recover from the 'shock' that made all activities remote. It is very important for researchers to meet together and discuss without restrictions. This is what was lost during the pandemic and we need to take steps to return to the pre-COVID normality.
FEMS EUROMAT 2023 will take place in Frankfurt (3-7 September). Online access tickets also available.