Maria Manuela Oliveira Prize

Maria Manuela Oliveira Prize
The recognition of excellence in technological innovation and scientific research in the area of Materials is part of the mission of the Portuguese Materials Society (SPM).
In this context, in May 2019, the SPM Board established the Maria Manuela Oliveira Prize, with the purpose of highlighting the crucial role that women play in research, development, innovation and teaching activities in the area of Materials in Portugal. Maria Manuela Oliveira Prize also intends to promote gender equality in these activities.
Maria Manuela Oliveira has an Engineering and PhD with relevant impact in research and development activities in the Materials area and in the Portuguese Materials Society (SPM), to which she has been actively involved, from the beginning to the present day, in the quality of general secretary.
Through this award, SPM intends to compliment and acknowledge the dedication and contribution of women who have excelled in one or more of SPM's areas of interest.
It is expected that the living testimony of the contribution and dedication to the Materials area and to SPM, which is Manuela Oliveira, will be an inspiration and incentive for more women to consider a career in the Materials Science field.
The winners of the Maria Manuela Oliveira Prize will be nominated by SPM´s Board and this prize will be awarded every two years on World Materials Day.
It is estimated that the first Maria Manuela Oliveira Prize will be announced on November 2019.
For a modern, dynamic, innovative SPM
Paula Maria Vilarinho
July 2019