Reminder – Call for abstracts for EUROMAT 2021

Do not miss the opportunity to present your work at EUROMAT 2021, the EUROPEAN CONGRESS AND EXHIBITION ON ADVANCED MATERIALS AND PROCESSES to be held September 12-16, 2021 in Graz, Austria.
EUROMAT 2021 will take place physically or virtual depending on regulations concerning COVID-19.
EUROMAT is the premier international congress in the field of materials science and technology in Europe. This conference will continue a successful series of material science conferences. The main objective is to foster knowledge transfer and exchange of experiences amongst delegates with academic and industrial backgrounds.
A Functional Materials
B Structural Materials
C Processing
D Characterization and Modelling
E Energy
F Biomaterials
G Education, Strategy and Technology Transfer
H Materials for Circularity and Sustainability
All detailed information, like the different symposia of each area can be found via the EUROMAT website at
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Graz!