World Materials Day SOCIEMAT Conference "Critical Materials in the Mobility Sector"

Following the Materials Day celebrations that take place each first Wednesday in November, Mondragon University, together with SOCIEMAT (Spanish Materials Society) and EIT Raw Materials, organized this workshop. The event aimed to gain a broad overview of material trends in the mobility sector, including criticality of resources, light materials processing and recycling. The target public was academia, including students in scientific and engineering fields, and companies with a broader understanding of the market.
During the conference the following talks were given:
Challenges for Materials Science and engineering in the 21st century, Prof. Juan José de Damborenea, President SOCIEMAT, Researcher CENIM CSIC.
Materials Sources, Dipl.-Geol. Michael Schmidt, German Mineral Resources Agency (DERA), Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR).
Processing and requirements. Lightweight, Design, Dr. Michel Glotin, Scientific Director for Materials at ARKEMA.
EIT Raw Materials structure and success stories, Lorena Jurado, Business Developer, CLC South.
Critical raw materials, Prof. Abel Ortego, Research Centre for Energy Resources and Consumption CIRCE, industrial ecology.