YUCOMAT & WRTCS 2019 abstract deadline extended
As there has been great interest in participation at the YUCOMAT & WRTCS 2019, we announce that we have extended the deadline for abstract submission.
The extended deadline is now Friday, May 31, 2019.
Online registration and Abstract Submission
The Twenty - first MRS-Serbia Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2019 and the Eleventh IISS World Round Table Conference on Sintering will be held in Herceg Novi, Montenegro, 2 - 6 September, 2019.
You can check the list of confirmed plenary speakers for both YUCOMAT 2019 and WRTCS 2019 on our website. The opening lecture at the Conference: “Quasi-Periodic Crystals, a Paradigm Shift in Crystallography”, will be given by the Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry for 2011, Dan Shechtman, from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.
We are pleased to announce that the laureate of the 2019 MRS-Serbia Award for a Lasting and Outstanding Contribution to Materials Science and Engineering is Prof. Danilo Suvorov of the “Jožef Stefan” Institute from Ljubljana, Slovenia. Please visit Award 2019.
Program information for both conferences can be found here. More information is available on our website.
We are looking forward to seeing you at YUCOMAT & WRTCS 2019!
Best Regards,
Prof. Dr. Dragan Uskokovic, President of IISS and MRS-Serbia
Materials Research Society of Serbia, www.mrs-serbia.org.rs
P.O. Box 433, Belgrade, Serbia, yucomat@mrs-serbia.org.rs