Fatigue 2018, 12th International Fatigue Congress

The Fatigue 2018 Congress will be the twelfth in a series of major international conferences held since 1981. This series aims to provide a discussion forum for both fundamental aspects and practical applications of fatigue, covering all aspects of fatigue, all type of materials, and all fields of interest (transportation, energy, electronics, civil engineering, medicine…). Basically, the program will be structured along 6 parallel technical sessions, allowing about 400 oral presentations, including keynote lectures. Plenary lectures (8) will aim to offer an overview of recent significant achievements in different fields where fatigue is a concern. More precisely, potential authors are invited to submit an abstract on line (page "Abstract submission") before September 30th, 2017 in one of the following topics:
General topics
- Cyclic deformation mechanisms and cyclic stress-strain behavior
- Crack initiation process and first stages of crack propagation
- Fatigue life: tests and prediction
- Growth of short and long cracks - Crack growth thresholds
- Low Cycle Fatigue
- Very High Cycle Fatigue
Innovative approaches
- Advanced experimental methods to characterize deformation and damage processes
- Development of new models and numerical simulation approaches
- 3D approach of fatigue damage
Specific domains
- Corrosion Fatigue & Environmental effects
- Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue
- Creep-Fatigue interactions
- Multi-axial, variable and complex loadings
- Influence of processing (casting, forging, additive manufacturing…)
- Residual stresses in Fatigue
- Fretting and Contact Fatigue
- Influence of surface treatments, films and coatings
- Fatigue of weld joints
- Fatigue at very high temperatures
- Fatigue of ultrafine grain materials
- Vibrations
- Long term durability - aging effects
- Fatigue of Structures
- In service fatigue failure
Theoretical and numerical approaches
- Fatigue behaviour modelling and simulation
- Fatigue life prediction
- Statistical approach of the durability
- Damage evaluation and Fatigue design
- Integrated Computational Materials Engineering
- Life extension
Fatigue of non-metallic materials
- Polymers and Composites
- Semi-conductors and Ceramics
- Concretes
- Biomaterials
- Hybrids and architectured materials
Industrial case studies
- Transportation (automotive, aeronautics, naval...)
- Energy production
- Civil engineering
- Biomedical fields
- Electronic devices

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