YUCOMAT 2018 - Call for abstracts, second announcement

Dear Colleagues,
This is the open call for abstracts to the Twentieth Materials Research Society of Serbia Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2018 that will be held in a charming little town at the Adriatic coast, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, 3-7th September, 2018 (http://www.mrs-serbia.org.rs/index.php/first-announcement-and-call-for-abstracts ). Conference is organized by Materials Research Society of Serbia, endorsed by Materials Research Society (MRS), European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) and Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS).Program of the Conference consists of five one-day Symposia dedicated to advanced methods in materials synthesis and processing, advanced materials for high-technology application, nanostructured materials, eco-materials and eco-technologies and biomaterials (http://www.mrs-serbia.org.rs/index.php/symposia). The objective of the Conference is to critically consider the most actual problems in materials science and engineering.
On-line registration and abstract submission (http://www.mrs-serbia.org.rs/index.php/registration) is open. The system automatically confirms the submission (scroll to the top of the page after you click on Submit button).
The Abstract Submission Deadline is May 1st, 2018.
We already have an impressive list of confirmed plenary speakers (http://www.mrs-serbia.org.rs/index.php/confirmed-plenary-speakers ). Since we expect a large number of participants, we would like to most cordially urge you to register and submit an abstract on-line as soon as you can.
The information about the conference fees is available on the conference website (http://www.mrs-serbia.org.rs/index.php/general-info/conference-fees ).
The Executive Board of the MRS-Serbia is proud to announce the competition for the Award for a Lasting and Outstanding Contribution to Materials Science and Engineering for 2018. Please visit http://www.mrs-serbia.org.rs/index.php/award-2018 for more information.We are pleased to announce that companies Thermo Fisher Scientific (https://www.thermofisher.com/rs/en/home.html ) and International Journal of Nanomedicine (https://www.dovepress.com/international-journal-of-nanomedicine-journal ) are Diamond Sponsors, of the YUCOMAT 2018 Conference.
Photos from the YUCOMAT 2017 are available at the following link: http://www.mrs-serbia.org.rs/index.php/yucomat-2017/photos-yucomat-2017
Important dates:
May 1 - Abstract Submission Deadline
July 6 - Preliminary Conference Program
July 31 - Late Registration Fee Deadline (required for presentations to be included in the printed Book of Abstracts)
August 5 - Final Conference Program (for the printed Book of Abstracts)
August 24 – Final Poster Abstract Submission Deadline (to be included in the On-site Conference Program, not the printed Book of Abstracts)
We will publish new and update existing information regularly, so please keep visiting Conference website.
We are looking forward to seeing you at YUCOMAT 2018.
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. Dragan Uskokovic, President of MRS-Serbia
Sava Stoisavljevic, Conference Manager
Violeta Svilokos, Conference Development Manager
yucomat@mrs-serbia.org.rs (link sends e-mail)
Materials Research Society of Serbia
Organizers of YUCOMAT and
Young Researchers’ Conferences – Materials Science and Engineering
P.O. Box 433, Belgrade, Serbia,