World Materials Day 2019 – SPM | Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais
Posted by SPM - Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais on 28 November 2019

World Materials day has been celebrated by our society since 2003 and this year, as usual, we celebrate it with the College of Materials Engineering.
The headquarters of the Order of Engineers in the city of Coimbra was the chosen place to hold this event.
The SPM and Order of Engineers Awards were assigned after two parallel sessions occurred.
This year 14 thesis were presented in the SPM Master Thesis Award Session and 10 in the Order of Engineers Award Session.
This was the record so far regarding the number of participants in the competition.
SPM Master Thesis Award
Ana Carina Ferreira Lopes Universidade do Minho- Departamento de Engenharia de Polímeros "Study and evaluation of different combinations of virgin and processed PA material for Selective Laser Sintering technology"