SOCIEMAT starts the First Cycle of Conferences with 5 talks by prestigious experts

In the framework of SOCIEMAT’s main objective: promoting and disseminating the research and development in the area of Materials Science, Engineering and Technology, SOCIEMAT has organized a Conference Cycle to spread the fundamentals and the most recent advances in the different areas of science and technology of materials from the hand of greatest experts in our country. All the conferences will be uploaded to the Youtube Channel of SOCIEMAT (
The five talks of this first cycle of conferences will be held in an online format from April to June 2021 according to the next schedule:
Wednesday, 7th April 2021
The colloidal approach in the design of ceramic materials
Rodrigo Moreno: Research Professor at ICV CSIC, Vicepresident of SOCIEMAT and member of the EC of FEMS. Editor of Material-ES, Senior Editor of the Journal of the European Ceramic Society, and member of several Editorial Committees. ECERS Fellow and Academic of the World Academy of Ceramics.
Wednesday, 28th April 2021
Additive manufacturing: from nanomaterials to big format manufacturing
Sergio Molina: Professor of the University of Cadiz at the Materials Science, Metallurgical Engineering and Inorganic Chemistry Department. Chairman of the INNANOMAT Research Group.
Wednesday, 19th May 2021
Sustainable building: the role of materials
Francisco Puertas: Research Professor at IETCC CSIC. Honorary Editor of Construction Magazine and member of several Editorial Committees. She has been Vicedirector of the Synthesis Characterization and Recycling Department of IETCC CSIC and member of the CSIC EC of the Materials Science and Technology and Scientific Publications Departments. In 2010, she received the SOCIEMAT Award to the Best Scientific Career.
Wednesday, 9th June 2021
Towards the International Year of Glass 2022 (IYOG2022)
Alicia Durán: Research Professor at ICV CSIC where she has been Chair of the Glass Department and Founder of the Glass Group. She is the President of the International Commission on Glass (ICG) and received the Phoenix Award from the International Glass Industry that named her Glass Person of the Year 2019. She leads the 2022 International Year of Glass proposal to be declared by ONU.
Wednesday. 30th June 2021
Coatings by plasma electrolytic oxidation: protection against corrosion and multifunctionalization
Marta Mohedano: Ramon y Cajal Researcher at the Department of the Materials Characterization, Corrosion and Degradation of the Complutense University of Madrid. Competitive Financing: Humboldt Fellowship (2013-2016), Juan de la Cierva (2016-2017), IP Proyecto JIN (2017-2020). International Award of the European Federation of Corrosion 2015 to the Best Young Researcher in Corrosion and Chair of the Young-EFC and SOCIEMAT’s Corrosion Group.