Preliminary programme announced for EUROMAT 2021

Join us on 13–17 September 2021 online as we welcome you to our new format of EUROMAT, the premier international congress in the field of materials science and technology in Europe.
ASMET has announced a preliminary programme across the five days with more than 1300 oral presentations and 400 poster presentations.
As well as presentations, there will be plenty of opportunity to network with other delegates, participate in Q&A’s and take a look around our exhibition.
This year’s plenary speakers include:
- Professor José Manuel Torralba, FEMS European Materials Gold Medal winner
- Merete Tangstad, Professor at Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Professor Lore Thijs, Manager, Direct Metal Printing Engineering
- Helmut Clemens, Professor at Chair of Physical Metallurgy and Metallic Materials, Department of Materials Science
- Professor Dr Claudia Draxl, Professor at Institute for Theoretical Solid-State Physics at Humboldt-Universität Berlin
- Dr Elvira Fortunato, Professor and Vice-Rector for Research Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Director of Centre for Materials Research (CENIMAT)
- Professor Josef Fugger, Senior Director R&D at Infineon Technologies, Austria.
You also can publish your research in our exciting, new open-access journal, the European Journal of Materials (EJM). The Editor-in-Chief, Professor Nikolaos Michailidis, welcomes and encourages all quality submissions as we work towards making the European Journal of Materials one of the best amongst the materials science and technology research community. EUROMAT attendees will also be provided with a 10% APC discount waiver.
Dr Anna Zervaki, Vice President of FEMS, said, ‘We are very much looking forward to a very successful EUROMAT 2021. I should thank all the authors for the high-level contributions reflecting the most recent advancements worldwide in Materials Science and Engineering.’
To find out more about this year’s event and to submit an abstract, visit