SOCIEMAT celebrates 2022 European Materials Day 2022

As in previous years, SOCIEMAT joined other member societies of FEMS to celebrate European Materials Day. The main event was held at the Polytechnic University of Madrid on 2 November. Members of SOCIEMAT also organized events in Seville and Ciudad Real, and a contest of Materials threads was carried out on Twitter.
During the event the following talks were given by materials experts:
- 'Toca toca Materiales' - Prof Nuria Salan, UPC
- 'Bienvenido a MATERLAND' - Prof Gloria Rodríguez, UCLM
During the event, the following 2022 SOCIEMAT prizes were awarded:
Caja Ingenieros Award Best Thesis Degree Award in Materials Engineering to Angela Garcia de la Camacha, UCLM.
Best Master Thesis in Materials Award to Esther Lopez, UCM. Esther will represent SOCIEMAT in the next FEMS Master Thesis Award final at FEMS EUROMAT 2023.
Diffusion and Scientific Education in Materials Award to Prof Nuria Salan, UPC.
Last but not least, the exhibition on “MATERLAND, the Materials around us” was inaugurated at the UPM, Madrid.