IOM3 President Kate Thornton gives Inaugural Presidential Address

Speaking during the Presidential Address, Kate said, 'It is a great honour and privilege to become the President of IOM3. I have had the great fortune to have worked with several past presidents during nearly 15 years of volunteering and I hope to continue the amazing work that they have started. I would like to thank our immediate Past President Neil Glover who has done a brilliant job'.
'One area I am keen to champion is equity, diversity and inclusion as it is important to so many of our members. IOM3 and its five member networks have done a brilliant job in recent years making this a priority to ensure we aren’t overlooking the needs of members'.
Following the 2023 Presidential Address Jude Allan MIMMM chaired presentations from member networks Ably Different Member Group (ADM3), Ethnic Minorities in Materials, Minerals & Mining (EMM3), IOM3Pride, SECG (Student & Early Career Group) and Women in Materials, Minerals & Mining (WIM3) followed by a lecture from the 2022 Outstanding Contribution Award for Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) winner, Avery Cunningham AIMMM.