FEMS EUROMAT 2023 Plenary Speakers - Professor João Mano

In the run up to FEMS EUROMAT 2023 meet the distinguished scientista dn researchers who will be delivering plenary lectures.
Biomaterials from human origin
Professor João Mano - 2023 FEMS European Materials Gold Medal winner
What are you most looking forward to for FEMS EUROMAT 2023
Besides meeting collaborators and friends, I expect to be updated on the latest developments on the broad field of materials science and technology, in particular what has been done in Europe. FEMS EUROMAT is also a perfect forum to meet new people working in complementary fields, to establish new collaboration on partnerships for European or trans-regional projects.
How important are conferences of this size in materials science & technology
Although being a large congress, FEMS EUROMAT is nicely organised in symposia and sessions on very precise topics. In this sense we will have many 'small congresses' within a big event. This facilitates the meeting and discussion of colleagues in the field, but also permits to peek aside presentations on other subjects that contribute to broaden our perception on what is done in materials science and technology and quench more curious minds. The strong presence of industry is also unique in FEMS EUROMAT conferences.
What would you say to those thinking of attending the conference (physically or virtually) in September.
FEMS EUROMAT 2023 will occur in Frankfurt, one of the best-connected places for travelling in Europe. I particularly recommend the attendance to young researcher and students as they will have a unique possibility to meet new colleagues, to present their work in a nice and vibrant atmosphere, and for the opportunity to mingle with the most recognised scientists, especially from Europe. I often advise students to pay a special attention on the poster sessions and also to organise well their program in advance.
FEMS EUROMAT 2023 will take place in Frankfurt (3-7 September). Online access tickets also available.