IOM3 publishes 2022 Annual Report

IOM3 has published its Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2022.
In 2022, IOM3 has continued its charitable work to advance and develop all aspects of materials, minerals, and mining, including by being the best professional membership body it can be. Supporting professionals in those fields to be champions of the transition to a low-carbon, resilient and resource-efficient society remained central to that work.
In order to help showcase this role, we partnered with Content With Purpose to produce the multi-media campaign Material Change: Resourcing Net Zero. This uses videos, podcasts, interviews and articles to explain how crucial our sectors are for the future, and how exciting a career in them can be.
A real feature for IOM3 this year has been the continued growth in members, especially at the Member grade, with that passing 5,500 for the first time ever. All in all, over 2,000 new members joined IOM3 in 2022 – again, a record for organic recruitment. Details of IOM3 award winners, online events and our President's overview feature in the report, along with updates on our diversity and inclusion and policy and influence initiatives.