SOCIEMAT celebrates 2023 World Materials Day

As in previous years, SOCIEMAT joined other FEMS Member Societies to celebrate World Materials Day. The main event was held at the Polytechnic University of Madrid on 8 November. Members of SOCIEMAT also organized events in Seville, Barcelona and Ciudad Real.
During the event we enjoyed talks given by materials experts: Prof Perla Wahnon, President of COSCE (Spanish Confederation of Scientific Societies) spoke to us about The importance of the Scientific Societies in the scientific and technological development and the social challenges and Prof Amador González, Director of the Telecommunications Engineering School of Madrid, made us dream with Fantasy Materials: Science fiction of Materials.
During the event, the following 2023 SOCIEMAT prizes were awarded:
Caja Ingenieros Award Best Thesis Degree Award in Materials Engineering to José Enrique Muñoz Manero, University of Burgos.
SOCIEMAT Master Thesis Award to Lluis Casabona Cendra, Master in Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Autonomous University of Barcelone, ICMAB CSIC, “Organic field-effect transistors for near-infrared light detection”. Lluis will represent SOCIEMAT in the next FEMS Master Thesis Award final at FEMS Junior EUROMAT, Manchester, 2024.
Image: Lluis Casabona, winner of the SOCIEMAT Master Thesis Award and the finalists altogether with the Jury: Prof. Juan José de Damborenea, SOCIEMAT President, Prof. Paloma Fernández FEMS and SOCIEMAT Past President and Prof. José Ygnacio Pastor, UPM.