
DGM hosts first in-person FEMS EUROMAT 2023 since 2019 at Goethe University in Frankfurt.

When Prof Ehrenfried Zschech (Conference Chair) stood in the balcony of the impressive Hörsaalzentrum foyer next to Prof Eric Le Bourhis (Conference co-Chair) and Dr Stefan Klein (DGM) to address delegates, organisers, sponsors and exhibitors at the welcome reception he stated that for the next 4 days, Frankfurt will be the European capital of materials. Indeed, it was.

During the first in-person FEMS EUROMAT since 2019, nearly 2.000 in-person and online delegates... Read more

The 6th FEMS Master Thesis Award final took place on Wednesday 6 July during FEMS EUROMAT 2023

4 finalists from Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal, all winners of their own national finals, gave a 10-minute presentation in from of a full audience on their chosen topics ranging from jarosite-blast furnace sludges self-reducing briquettes and polyaniline thin films to protection of aluminium alloys and sustainable powders for energy deposition.

Members of the FEMS Member Societies are invited to the 2023 FEMS General Assembly.

The meeting will be held during FEMS EUROMAT 2023 on Tuesday 5 September at 14:30 CET (Room SH 2.107, Seminarhaus). Online attendance is also available for those unable to travel to Frankfurt.

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Nominations are now invited for the election of FEMS Vice-President & FEMS Board members.

The FEMS Board is the administrative body of FEMS. According to the... Read more

FEMS is pleased to announce that SOCIEMAT will host FEMS EUROMAT 2025 in Granada, Spain from 14 to 18 September.

The FEMS flagship conference brings together materials scientists and engineers from Europe and the rest of the world.

Professor Juan José de Damborenea says, 'The Spanish Materials Society (SOCIEMAT) is proud to have received from FEMS the task to organise the 18th FEMS EUROMAT conference in Granada (14-18 September 2025). By then, there will have been 12 years since SOCIEMAT organised FEMS EUROMAT 2013 in Seville. The conference will aim to set the... Read more

Thanks to FEMS participation in the Taylor & Francis Publishing Partnership Program (through the European Journal of Materials), national Member Society members are entitled to a 30% discount on books.

The discount is valid on any full priced CRC Press or Routledge book.

Routledge website

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What would you consider to be the greatest achievement and highlight of your presidency?

The last two years were truly unique for me. My tenure as FEMS President provided me the opportunity to serve the European Materials Societies towards materializing our common vision on shaping a brighter future via advanced materials. Key moments of my chairmanship include FEMS Junior EUROMAT 2022 in Coimbra as well as FEMS EUROMAT 2023 in Frankfurt last September, both excellent events in terms of participation and scientific program. Both... Read more

As in previous years, SOCIEMAT joined other FEMS Member Societies to celebrate World Materials Day. The main event was held at the Polytechnic University of Madrid on 8 November. Members of SOCIEMAT also organized events in Seville, Barcelona and Ciudad Real.

During the event we enjoyed talks given by materials experts: Prof Perla Wahnon, President of COSCE (Spanish Confederation of Scientific Societies) spoke to us about The importance of the Scientific Societies in the scientific and technological development and the social challenges ... Read more

After one of the most successful FEMS EUROMAT conferences, we caught up with Prof Ehrenfried Zschech (Chair, left) and Prof Eric Le Bourhis (co-Chair, right)

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The Spanish Materials Society, SOCIEMAT, just published a new issue of the scientific journal, Material-ES, on this occasion a special issue devoted to the Materials Science carried out in Unesc - Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, Brazil. Guest Editor: Sabrina Arcaro. 


- Calcium phosphate coating in stainless steel AISI 316L using eletrodeposition for biological applications. C. E. Moretto; A. L.S. Niero; H. B. Modolon; L. B. Teixeira; K. B... Read more
