FEMS Reviews Prestigious Awards

The FEMS Awards Selection Committee is proud to present the reviewed FEMS Prestigious Awards. Although the awards have been running successfully for nearly 30 years, the FEMS Awards Selection Committee wished to review the recognition scheme to make them more relevant and reflect the FEMS vision, achieving greater outreach.

Although the awards' Terms of References remain largely unchanged, the changes refer mainly to recognition of achievement at different career stages for individuals and groups from academia and industry, define eligibility criteria and reduce the number of winners to increase competitiveness.

European Materials Gold Medal
Recognising personal achievement at mid/advanced career stage

Science & Technology Prize
Recognising personal achievement at an early career stage*

Materials Innovation Medal
Recognising innovation by a group from academia or industry

Communication Award for Excellence in MSE
Restricted to students and early career professionals

*To clearly define eligibility, FEMS recognises early career as someone who on the year the award is presented is:
- within 10 years since the start of (self-)employment in a materials role (excluding apprenticeships or training schemes)
- within 6 years  of completing a PhD in a materials subject.

In addition, all winners must have conducted the majority of their research/work in Europe, will be invited to publish in the European Journal of Materials and with the exception of the European Materials Gold Medal, all nominees must be Members of a FEMS Member Society. Nominations can only be submitted by FEMS Member Societies and the awards cannot be awarded posthumously.

Immediate Past President and Chair of the FEMS Awards Selection Committee, Prof Eric Le Bourhis said, 'FEMS awardees represent so much to us and FEMS that we are further promoting and engaging the European community to emphasize materials science and engineering through the outstanding steps being made. We wish to highlight and fuel the future of European roadmap to address our challenges of climate change and sustainability.'

Nominations the FEMS Prestigious Awards will be invited in 2024.

FEMS Awards