FEMS Honorary Members

Honorary Members of FEMS are listed below.


The status of “FEMS Honorary Member” can be conferred on appropriate individuals by the Executive Committee (EC). This can be done at any EC meeting, provided it is quorate (at least 70% of the current membership in attendance) and provided at least 70% of those present vote in favour of the proposal. 

Current members of the Executive Committee cannot be elected as Honorary Members. Past EC members can be elected, although previous membership of the EC is not a requirement. Election is on the grounds of services or contributions to FEMS or to the wider Materials community.

Election to the status of FEMS Honorary Member is for life. Once the offer of election has been accepted, information about the Member, including the grounds for election, will be posted on the FEMS website. A maximum of 2 new honorary members can be designated every two years, and awarded during the EUROMAT conferences.

The nomination of individuals from Member Societies is welcome and should include 1 letter of support from the national society and the signature of 5x members of at least 3 national societies members of FEMS. Nominations are subject to approval by the FEMS Awards  Selection Committee

Honorary membership carries the following privileges and duties:

  • Annual Invitation to attend the Presidents’/Societies Day meetings and events, and the associated General Assembly, with the same voting rights as other invited attendees.
  • Free registration for attendance at the biennial EUROMAT conferences, including participation in the banquet dinner.
  • Automatic membership of the FEMS Alumni Association
  • The FEMS Honorary Members collectively constitute a consultative body, expected to be able to act in an advisory capacity for the FEMS EC. Examples of such activities include the reviewing of nominations for Prizes, helping to identify individuals suited to join the FEMS EC or to assist with EUROMAT conference organisation, nomination of Plenary Speakers, suggestions for new initiatives etc.