Past events

7 November 2018
FEUP - Porto, Portugal

The celebration of the MATERIALS WORLD DAY 2018 will be held at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, on November 7 (Wednesday).Read more

7 November 2018

As past years, SOCIEMAT is joining other member societies of FEMS to celebrate the World Materials Day.Read more

3 November 2018 to 4 November 2018
Thessaloniki, Greece

For the 4th year in a row the Hellenic Society for the Science and Technology of Condensed Matter (HSSTCM) organizes a Training Workshop entitled  Materials at the nanoscale under the auspices of the School of Physics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on 3&4 of November 2018.Read more

24 October 2018 to 26 October 2018
Delft, Netherlands

Are you a professional and want to know more about how critical raw materials affect your business?

  • Discuss with experts
  • Gain competences
  • Enlarge your professional network
  • Read more
17 October 2018 to 19 October 2018
Brno, Czech Republic

NANOCON international conference is the first conference in the Czech Republic focusing only on nanomaterials, on their research, application and potential impact on the environment and human health. This year conference NANOCON´18 will be held again in Brno in October 17th to 19th, 2018. Potential authors are invited to submit an abstract online before July 31st, 2018.Read more

26 September 2018 to 28 September 2018
Darmstadt, Germany

10 years of successful and constantly growing MSE congresses in Germany – this is a thrilling key moment and the time to sharpen the profile of such an interdisciplinary “broadband” conference of Materials Science and Engineering.Read more

17 September 2018 to 19 September 2018
Nicosia, Cyprus

It is the turn of Cyprus to continue the tradition and host this conference that typically attracts Greek and foreign scientists from academia and industry making a “promising alloy”. Physics, Engineering, Materials, Chemistry and Biology are combined in this interdisciplinary meeting to discuss all about our materials!

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11 September 2018 to 14 September 2018

The symposium “Indentation 2018” from SF2M Groupe Indentation Multi-Echelle (GIME) is addressed to academics and industrials concerned with mechanical characterisation issues with instrumented indentation at different scales.Read more

9 September 2018 to 13 September 2018
Oxford, UK

Organised by IOM Communications on behalf of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining in association with the University of Oxford, the Third European Symposium on Superalloys will take place in Oxford, UK during 9-13 September 2018. This follows the successful Eurosuperalloys meetings which took place in Germany in 2010 and France in 2014.Read more

3 September 2018 to 7 September 2018
Herceg Novi, Montenegro

A group of leading Yugoslav scientists working in various fields of materials science and engineering established in 1997 Materials Research Society, first as a Yugoslav society and in 2008 as the Materials Research Society of Serbia. MRS-Serbia organizes annual YUCOMAT Conferences in Herceg Novi in early September. In September 2018, the 20th YUCOMAT conference will be organized.

The average number of participants at YUCOMAT Conferences is about 200. More that 300 renowned scientists from all over the world have so far taken part in YUCOMAT conferences as invited plenary speakers.Read more
