
Erhard Hornbogen, who was born in Greiz (Thüringen, Germany) on 2.2.1930, passed away on 16.4.2020, after having reached the age of 90 early this year. Read more

Riga Technical University has announced 3 PhD positions, 3 Postdoc positions and 3 Group Leader positions within research area of materials for bone tissue regeneration at Rudolfs Cimdins Riga Biomaterials Innovations and Development Centre based from the university.  Read more

From the FEMS Management Committee

As of Monday 4 May, Ms... Read more

22nd Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2020

7–11 September 2020, Herceg Novi, Montenegro

On behalf of the Materials Research Society of Serbia, it is our great pleasure to invite you to participate at the Twenty-second Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2020  taking  place 7–11 September 2020, in Herceg Novi, Montenegro. YUCOMAT conference includes the participation of renowned plenary speakers, oral presentations, poster sessions and symposia related to contemporary programs in the... Read more

We are pleased to be able to offer a new service on the FEMS website whereby you can set up and configure your account so that you can you receive e-mail alerts whenever there is new content (news, events, awards, etc) posted on the website. Read more

The current global health crisis we are suffering has forced us to reconsider the dates for Junior EUROMAT 2020. The conference has been rescheduled for 15–19 November, of course provided that the situation is safe. New deadlines will be published in the conference webpage. Read more

FEMS is now recruiting  for a Web & Social Media Executive position to replace the current Communications Manager. The Web & Social Media Executive will report to the Executive Secretary and oversee FEMS external communications. For more information, please refer to the job description below.

To apply, please send your cover note and CV to by 31 March. Applicants should be a member of a FEMS affiliated Society.

Shortlisted candidates are expected to travel to London between 20-29 May for the interviews.... Read more

Rodrigo Martins is Full Professor and head of Materials Science Department at Faculty of Science and Technology of Nova University of Lisbon, director of the Centre of Excellence in Microelectronics and Optoelectronics Processes of the Institute of New Technologies, CEMOP/Uninova; Head of the group of Materials for Electronics, Optoelectronics and Nanotechnologies (MEON) of the Research Materials Centre of the Institute for Nanostructures, Nanomodeling and Nanofabrication, CENIMAT/I3N; Chair of The European Committee Affairs of European Materials Research Society; Chair of The Global... Read more

The first FEMS Executive Committee meeting under the Presidency of Prof Eric Le Bourhis was held at IOM3 HQ in London on 26 February. The Committee discussed regular business, progress on future events such as FEMS Junior EUROMAT (Granada, 12-16 July, abstract submission still open, and EUROMAT (Graz, 2021,, and the latest developments on the FEMS European Journal of Materials with Taylor & Francis, more information on which will be... Read more

The history of the Federation of European Materials Societies – from the beginnings of the national materials societies to the creation of a European federation

By Peter Paul Schepp, Frankfurt, Feb 2020
